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小说: 托福阅读1000词 字数: 每页4000字

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retirement[ri'tai?rm?nt]n。 退休,退职,退役
例句 The army provided a means of personal advancement for auxiliary soldiers recruited from the natives; just as a man obtained hereditary Roman citizenship on retirement after service in an auxiliary regiment。 军队提供了一个方法,可以促使那些在当地招募的后备士兵进步,正像在后备军团服役的人退休时被授予罗马公民身份。
rudimentary[?ru:di'mentri]a。 基本的;初步的;未充分发展的;退化的
例句 1。 He received rudimentary village schooling; and mostly he roamed his uncle's farm and collected fossils that were so abundant in hills。 他只接受了最基本的乡村教育,大部分时间他都在他叔叔的农场里闲逛,收集在山上极为常见的化石。
2。 Many animals are capable of using objects in the natural environment as rudimentary tools。 很多动物能够把自然界的物体当做基本工具使用。
scale[skeil]n。 规模;比例 v。 攀登
搭配 on a large scale 大规模地;in scale 成比例;相称
例句 1。 The sheer scale of the investment is necessary to begin commercial expansion at sea。 为了扩展海上业务,大规模的投资是必要的。
2。 These records indicate that temperature variations can occur on a global scale; and that the pattern of temperature variations in regional climates can differ from each other。 这些记录表明,温度变化可以在全球范围内发生,而且这些发生在不同气候地区的温度变化模式也各不相同。
要点 scale不仅仅可以用来表示“规模”,同样可以表示“攀登”,但在文中常见的是scale作为名词表示“规模”的用法。
schedule['ske?u:l]n。 时刻表,日程表
搭配 ahead of schedule 提前
例句 This mismatch between external time cues and internal schedules may result in the disorienting effects and it may persist for several days or weeks just like our jet lag until certain cues occur。 这种外界时间信号和内部设定的不匹配会导致眩晕,而且这种眩晕可能会持续几天或几周,就像我们的时差反应一样,直到某些特定的信号出现。
scheme[ski:m]n。 方案;阴谋 v。 计划,策划
搭配 propose a scheme 拟定计划
例句 1。 We need new types of ships finding new ways to travel and new techniques for the financing of such a vast scheme。 我们需要新型轮船,开辟新的航线,并且需要新的技术来给这样庞大的计划提供经费。
2。 One of the earliest schemes was patterned on the human eye。 最初的方案之一就是模拟人类的眼睛。
score[sk?:]v。 评分;获胜,成功 n。 分数;配乐
例句 1。 Einstein believed that musical score was as important as dialogue in a film。 爱因斯坦认为,在一部电影中配乐和台词同样重要。
2。 The game was tied until he scored the winning point。 在他得分获胜之前,比赛是平局。
要点 虽然我们都很熟悉score可以表示“得分”,但不要忽略其作为名词还可以表示“配乐”的含义。
similarity[?sim?'l?r?ti]n。 相似,类似
例句 The similarity between each other made it difficult to distinguish one from another。 它们之间的相似处使两者很难区分。
simplicity[sim'plis?ti]n。 简单;朴素;直率
例句 1。 The chief executive says the company will continue to emphasize value; convenience and simplicity of the product。 董事长表示该公司将继续强调产品价值、便利性和简约性。
2。 The foundation of this product is simplicity; which is especially important to a mobile device。 这款产品的理念就是简单,而这对于一款移动设备来说尤为重要。
同义 plainness(n。 朴素)
simulation[?simju'lei?n]n。 假装;模仿
例句 1。 Recent measurements made in the field together with laboratory simulations offer a promising explanation of how this structure of charged particles forms。 该领域最新的计量方法与实验室模拟结果为带电粒子的形成提供了一个可能的解释。
2。 Studies suggest that so far the variability in computer simulations is considerably smaller than in data which obtained from the proxy records。 研究表明,迄今,与从代理记录中获得的数据相比,计算机模拟的可变性要小得多。
3。 After seeing the display of computer simulations of the winds and currents in the Pacific; we may probably think it is much easier than previously thought to reach the Pacific island。 看到电脑模拟太平洋的风向和洋流展示之后,我们或许会觉得抵达太平洋的岛屿要比之前预想的容易得多。
specialization[?spe??l?'zei?n]n。 专门(业)化;特殊化
例句 The production line involves a high degree of specialization of labor。 生产线要求工人高度专业化。
specimen['spesim?n]n。 标本,样本;样品
例句 Although the Sun has many more atoms of any element than does a meteorite specimen; the ratios of iron to silicon in the two kinds of matter might be comparable。 虽然太阳含有的任何一种元素的原子数都比一个陨星样品所含的多,但是两者的铁硅比率或许是具有可比性的。
同义 sample(n。 样本)
stencil['stensl]n。 模板 v。 用模板刻写
例句 Much of the evidence shows right…hand versus left…hand dominance; and we could find in rock shelters from stencils and prints in Australia and elsewhere; and in many Ice Age caves in France; Spain; and Tasmania。 右手比左手有优势的相关证据多来自澳大利亚和其他地方的模板和石板印记,还有一些则是来自法国、西班牙以及塔斯马尼亚冰河时代的多个洞穴中。
summary['s?m?ri]n。 摘要,概要 a。 概括的;简略的
例句 They make a summary comment:“Perhaps the most important thing we learned is the idea of the teacher…as…reflective…practitioner will not happen simply because it is a good or even compelling idea。”他们总结道,“或许我们学习到的最重要的一点就是,教师不会因为这些观点有益甚至能吸引人就自发地展开教学反思。”
同义 abstract(n。 摘要);conclusion(n。 总结)
要点 summary后面的句子通常是作者对自己的论述所作的总结,表达了作者的观点。
surmise['s?:rmaiz]n。 推测,猜测[s?r'maiz]v。 推测,猜测
例句 1。 He surmised that an internal biological clock allows some species of birds to navigate at night。 他推测内部的生物钟使一些鸟类具有夜间飞行的能力。
2。 All of these reasons are pure surmise on Joe's part。 所有这些原因纯粹都是乔的猜测。
同义 conjecture(n。/v。 推测,猜测)
tactic['t?ktik]n。 手段;[常 pl。]策略 a。 按顺序的
例句 1。 Advertisers employ the misleading tactics which are centered on the use of exaggeration。 广告商使用以夸张为主的误导性策略。
2。 Studies show that misleading tactics are used most often in commercials for breakfast cereals; while toy commercials use such tactics less frequently。 研究表明,误导式策略通常用于谷物早餐的商业广告中,而在玩具的广告中用得较少。
同义 strategy(n。 策略)
undertake[??nd?r'teik]v。 承担;进行,从事
例句 1。 The Dutch waged war; because it was particularly suitable for land reclamation; and the biggest problem undertaken there was the draining of the lake。 荷兰发动了战争,因为这是收复失地的大好时机,而且这里出现的最大问题就是湖泊干涸的问题。
2。 The printer does not have the skills necessary to undertake large publishing projects。 这台打印机不具备进行大规模印刷项目所需的技术。
同义 engage(v。 从事)

acid['?sid]n。 酸,酸性物质 a。 酸的;尖刻的
搭配 acid rain 酸雨
例句 The metabolic system subconsciously adjusts breathing rate and depth to regulate the levels of carbon dioxide and oxygen; and the acid…base ratio in the blood。 代谢系统下意识地调整呼吸的频率和深度,是为了调节血液中的二氧化碳和氧气水平,以及酸碱比例的水平。
adapt[?'d?pt]v。 使适合;调整;改编
搭配 adapt to 适应,适合
例句 1。 Horseshoe crabs that live in the dark continuously for a year are found to keep a persistent rhythm of brain activity that similarly adapts their eyes on a daily schedule for bright or weak light。 连续一年生活在黑暗中的鲎被发现保持着稳定的脑活动节奏,这同样也使它们的眼睛可以适应白昼光线的强弱变化。
2。 Parasitic damage to the species was never overturned because they were unable to adapt to the attacks of the parasites。 这一物种无法战胜寄生虫的破坏,因为它们无法适应寄生虫的攻击。
3。 High literacy rates capacitated these countries to take over international markets and adapt the international division of labor to suit their strengths。 较高的受教育比率让这些国家可以接管国际市场,并根据他们的优势来调整国际劳动分工。
同义 adjust(v。 使适合);alter(v。 调整)
要点 adapt不但可以表示生理层面上的适应,也可以表示适应局势或状况,比如:adapt oneself to the new conditions“使自己适应新的环境”。
adaptive[?'d?ptiv]a。 适合的;有适应性的
搭配 adaptive behavior 适应行为
例句 One adaptive advantage is Spartina's ability to utilize carbon dioxide more efficiently than any other plants。 与其他大部分植物相比,大米草的一个适应优势是它能更充分地利用二氧化碳。
同义 accommodative(a。 适应的)
allergy['?l?r?i]n。 过敏性反应
例句 If something blocks the“good”side; such as congestion from allerg

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