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小说: grrm.astormofswords 字数: 每页4000字

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d long bright scarfs around their helms to ward off sunstroke。 The stony Dornishmen were biggest and fairest; sons of the Andals and the First Men; brownhaired or blond; with faces that freckled or burned in the sun instead of browning。
 The lords wore silk and satin robes with jeweled belts and flowing sleeves。 Their armor was heavily enameled and inlaid with burnished copper; shining silver; and soft red gold。 They came astride red horses and golden ones and a few as pale as snow; all slim and swift; with long necks and narrow beautiful heads。 The fabled sand steeds of Dome were smaller than proper warhorses and could not bear such weight of armor; but it was said that they could run for a day and night and another day; and never tire。
 The Domish leader forked a stallion black as sin with a mane and tail the color of fire。 He sat his saddle as if he'd been born there; tall; slim; graceful。 A cloak of pale red silk fluttered from his shoulders; and his shirt was armored with overlapping rows of copper disks that glittered like a thousand bright new pennies as he rode。 His high gilded helm displayed a copper sun on its brow; and the round shield slung behind him bore the sun…and…spear of House Martell on its polished metal surface。
 A Martell sun; but ten years too young; Tyrion thought as he reined up; too fit as well; and far too fierce。 He knew what he must deal with by then。 How many Dornishmen does it take to start a war? he asked himself。 Only one。 Yet he had no choice but to smile。 〃Well met; my lords。 We had word of your approach; and His Grace King Joffrey bid me ride out to wele you in his name。 My lord father the King's Hand sends his greetings as well。〃 He feigned an amiable confusion。 〃Which of you is Prince Doran?〃
 〃My brother's health requires he remain at Sunspear。〃 The princeling removed his helm。 Beneath; his face was lined and saturnine; with thin arched brows above large eyes as black and shiny as pools of coal oil。 Only a few streaks of silver marred the lustrous black hair that receded from his brow in a widow's peak as sharply pointed as his nose。 A salty Dornishmen for certain。 〃Prince Doran has sent me to join King Joffrey's council in his stead; as it please His Grace。〃
 〃His Grace will be most honored to have the counsel of a warrior as renowned as Prince Oberyn of Dome;〃 said Tyrion; thinking; This will mean blood in the gutters。 〃And your noble panions are most wele as well。〃
 〃Permit me to acquaint you with them; my lord of Lannister。 Ser Deziel Dalt; of Lemonwood。 Lord Tremond Gargalen。 Lord Harmen Uller and his brother Ser Ulwyck。 Ser Ryon Allyrion and his natural son Ser Daemon Sand; the Bastard of Godsgrace。 Lord Dagos Manwoody; his brother Ser Myles; his sons Mors and Dickon。 Ser Arron Qorgyle。 And never let it be thought that I would neglect the ladies。 Myria Jordayne; heir to the Tor。 Lady Larra Blackmont; her daughter Jynessa; her son Perros。〃 He raised a slender hand toward a black…haired woman to the rear; beckoning her forward。 〃And this is Ellaria Sand; mine own paramour。〃
 Tyrion swallowed a groan。 His paramour; and bastard…born; Cersei will pitch a holy fit if he wants her at the wedding。 If she consigned the woman to some dark corner below the salt; his sister would risk the Red Viper's wrath。 Seat her beside him at the high table; and every other lady on the dais was like to take offense。 Did Prince Doran mean to provoke a quarrel?
 Prince Oberyn wheeled his horse about to face his fellow Domishmen。 〃Ellaria; lords and ladies; sers; see how well King Joffrey loves us。 His Grace has been so kind as to send his own Uncle Imp to bring us to his court。〃
 Bronn snorted back laughter; and Tyrion perforce must feign amusement as well。 〃Not alone; my lords。 That would be too enormous a task for a little man like me。〃 His own party had e up on them; so it was his turn to name the names。 〃Let me present Ser Flement Brax; heir to Homvale。 Lord Gyles of Rosby。 Ser Addam Marbrand; Lord mander of the City Watch。 jalabhar Xho; Prince of the Red Flower Vale。 Ser Harys Swyft; my uncle Kevan's good father by marriage。 Ser Merlon Crakehall。 Ser Philip Foote and Ser Bronn of the Blackwater; two heroes of our recent battle against the rebel Stannis Baratheon。 And mine own squire; young Podrick of House Payne。〃 The names had a nice ringing sound as Tyrion reeled them off; but the bearers were nowise near as distinguished nor formidable a pany as those who acpanied Prince Oberyn; as both of them knew full well。
 〃My lord of Lannister;〃 said Lady Blackmont; 〃we have e a long dusty way; and rest and refreshment would be most wele。 Might we continue on to the city?〃
 〃At once; my lady。〃 Tyrion turned his horse's head; and called to Ser Addam Marbrand。 The mounted gold cloaks who formed the greatest part of his honor guard turned their horses crisply at Ser Addam's mand; and the column set off for the river and King's Landing beyond。
 Oberyn Nymeros Martell; Tyrion muttered under his breath as he fell in beside the man。 The Red Viper of Dorne。 And what in the seven hells am I supposed to do with him?
 He knew the man only by reputation; to be sure 。 。 。 but the reputation was fearsome。 When he was no more than sixteen; Prince Oberyn had been found abed with the paramour of old Lord Yronwood; a huge man of fierce repute and short temper。 A duel ensued; though in view of the prince's youth and high birth; it was only to first blood。 Both men took cuts; and honor was satisfied。 Yet Prince Oberyn soon recovered; while Lord Yronwood's wounds festered and killed him。 Afterward men whispered that Oberyn had fought with a poisoned sword; and ever thereafter friends and foes alike called him the Red Viper。
 That was many years ago; to be sure。 The boy of sixteen was a man past forty now; and his legend had grown a deal darker。 He had traveled in the Free Cities; leaming the poisoner's trade and perhaps arts darker still; if rumors could be believed。 He had studied at the Citadel; going so far as to forge six links of a maester's chain before he grew bored。 He had soldiered in the Disputed Lands across the narrow sea; riding with the Second Sons for a time before forming his own pany。 His tourneys; his battles; his duels; his horses; his carnality 。 。 。 it was said that he bedded men and women both; and had begotten bastard girls all over Dome。 The sand snakes; men called his daughters。 So far as Tyrion had heard; Prince Oberyn had never fathered a son。
 And of course; he had crippled the heir to Highgarden。
 There is no man in the Seven Kingdoms who will be less wele at a 7)7rell wedding; thought Tyrion。 To send Prince Oberyn to King's Landing while the city still hosted Lord Mace Tyrell; two of his sons; and thousands of their men…at…arms was a provocation as dangerous as Prince Oberyn himself。 A wrong word; an ill…timed jest; a look; that's all it will take; and our noble allies will be at one another's throats。
 〃We have met before;〃 the Domish prince said lightly to Tyrion as they rode side by side along the kingsroad; past ashen fields and the skeletons of trees。 〃I would not expect you to remember; though。 You were even smaller than you are now。〃
 There was a mocking edge to his voice that Tyrion misliked; but he was not about to let the Dornishman provoke him。 〃When was this; my lord?〃 he asked in tones of polite interest。
 〃Oh; many and many a year ago; when my mother ruled in Dome and your lord father was Hand to a different king。〃
 Not so different as you might think; reflected Tyrion。
 〃It was when I visited Casterly Rock with my mother; her consort; and my sister Elia。 I was; oh; fourteen; fifteen; thereabouts; Elia a year older。 Your brother and sister were eight or nine; as I recall; and you had just been born。〃
 A queer time to e visiting。 His mother had died giving him birth; so the Martells would have found the Rock deep in mouming。 His father especially。 Lord Tywin seldom spoke of his wife; but Tyrion had heard his uncles talk of the love between them。 In those days; his father had been Aerys's Hand; and many people said that Lord Tywin Lannister ruled the Seven Kingdoms; but Lady Joanna ruled Lord Tywin。 〃He was not the same man after she died; imp;〃 his Uncle 

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