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小说: jamesclavell.noblehouse 字数: 每页4000字

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 〃I asked for a private meeting; Rog。〃
 〃It's private。 Robert's very private; Brian is。 What can I do for you; Stanley?〃 Crosse was politely cool。
 〃Okay; Rog; today I got a long list for you: first; you're personally 100 percent in the creek with me; my whole department; up to the director in Washington himself。 I'm told to tell you … among other things … your mole's surpassed himself this time。〃
 Rosemont's voice was grating now。 〃For starters; we just heard from one of our sources in Canton that Fong…fong and all your lads were hit last night。 Their cover's gone … they're blown。〃 Armstrong and Brian Kwok looked shocked。 Crosse was staring back at him and he read nothing in his face。 〃Got to be your mole; Rog。 Got to be fingered from the tai…pan's AMG papers。〃
 Crosse looked across at Brian Kwok。 〃Use the emergency wireless code。 Check it!〃
 As Brian Kwok hurried out; Rosemont said again; 〃They're blown; the poor bastards。〃
 〃We'll check it anyway。 Next?〃
 Rosemont smiled mirthlessly。 〃Next: Almost everything that was in the tai…pan's AMG papers's spread around the intelligence munity in London … on the wrong side。〃
 〃God curse all traitors;〃 Armstrong muttered。
 〃Yeah; that's what I thought; Robert。 Next; another little gem … AMG was no accident。〃
 〃No one knows the who; but we all know the why。 The bike was hit by an auto。 No make; no serial number; no witnesses; no nothing yet; but he was hit … and of course; fingered from here。〃
 〃Then why haven't I been informed by Source? Why's the information ing from you?〃 Crosse asked。
 Rosemont's voice sharpened。 〃I just got off the phone to London。 It's just past 5:00 a。m。 there so maybe your people plan to let you know when they get to the office after a nice leisurely bacon and eggs and a goddamn cup of tea!〃
 Armstrong shot a quick glance at Crosse and winced at the look on his face。
 〃Your 。。。 your point's well taken; Stanley;〃 Crosse said。 〃Next?〃
 〃The photos we gave you of the guys who knocked off Voranski 。。。 what happened?〃
 〃We had their place covered。 The two men never reappeared; so I raided the place in the early hours。 We went through that whole tenement; room by room; but found no one who looked anything like the photographs。 We searched for a couple of hours and there were no secret doors or anything like that。 They weren't there。 Perhaps your fellow made a mistake。 。。。〃
 〃Not this time。 Marty Povitz was sure。 We had the place staked out soon as we deciphered the address but there was a time when it wasn't all covered; front and back。 I think they were tipped; again by your mole。〃 Rosemont took out a copy of a telex and passed it over。 Crosse read it; reddened and passed it over to Armstrong。
 Decoded from Director; Washington; to Rosemont; Deputy Director Station Hong Kong: Sinders MI…6 brings orders from Source; London; that you are to go with him Friday to witness the handover of the papers and get an immediate photocopy。
 〃You'll get your copy in today's mail; Rog;〃 the American said。
 〃I can keep this?〃 Crosse asked。
 〃Sure。 By the way; we have a tail on Dunross too。 W… 〃
 Crosse said angrily; 〃Would you kindly not interfere in our jurisdiction!〃
 〃I told you you were in Shitsville; Rog!〃 Tautly Rosemont placed another cable on the table。
 Rosemont; Hong Kong。 You will hand this cable to Chief of SI personally。 Until further orders Rosemont is authorized to proceed independently to assist in the uncovering of the hostile in any way he chooses。 He is; however; required to stay within the law and keep you advised personally of what he is doing。 Source 8…98/3。
 Rosemont saw Crosse bite back an explosion。 〃What else've you authorized?〃 Crosse asked。
 〃Nothing。 Yet。 Next: We'll be at the bank on Fri… 〃
 〃You know where Dunross's put the files?〃
 〃It's all over town … among the munity。 I told you your mole's been working overtime。〃 Abruptly Rosemont flared; 〃e on for chrissake; Rog; you know if you tell a hot item to someone in London; it's all over town! We've all got security problems but yours're worse!〃 With an effort the American simmered down。 〃You could've leveled with me about the Dunross screw…up … it would've save us all a lot of heartache and a lotta face。〃
 Crosse lit a cigarette。 〃Perhaps。 Perhaps not。 I was trying to maintain security。〃
 〃Remember me? I'm on our side!〃
 〃Are you?〃
 〃You bet your ass!〃 Rosemont said it very angrily。 〃And if it was up to me I'd have every safety deposit box open before sundown … and the hell with the consequences。〃
 〃Thank God you can't do that。〃
 〃For chrissake we're at war and God only knows what's in those other files。 Maybe they'll finger your goddamn mole and then we can get the bastard and give him his!〃
 〃Yes;〃 Crosse said; his voice a whiplash; 〃or maybe there's nothing in the papers at all!〃
 〃What do you mean?〃
 〃Dunross agreed to hand the files over to Sinders on Friday。 What if there's nothing in them? Or what if he burned the pages and gives us just the covers? What the hell do we do then?〃
 Rosemont gaped at him。 〃Jesus … is that a possibility?〃
 〃Of course it's a possibility! Dunross's clever。 Perhaps they're not there at all; or the vault ones are false or nonexistent。 We don't know he put them there; he just says he put them there。 Jesus Christ; there're fifty possibilities。 You're so smart; you CIA fellows; you tell me which deposit box and I'll open it myself。〃
 〃Get the key from the governor。 Give me and some of my boys private access for five hours an … 〃
 〃Out of the question!〃 Crosse snarled; suddenly red…faced; and Armstrong felt the violence strongly。 Poor Stanley; you're the target today。 He suppressed a shudder; remembering the times he had had to face Crosse。 He had soon learned that it was easier to tell the man the truth; to tell everything at once。 If Crosse ever really went after him in an interrogation; he knew beyond doubt he would be broken。 Thank God he's never yet had reason to try; he thought thankfully; then turned his eyes on Rosemont who was flushed with rage。 I wonder who Rosemont's informants are; and how he knows for certain that Fong…fong and his team have been obliterated。
 〃Out of the question;〃 Crosse said again。
 〃Then what the hell do we do? Sit on our goddamn lard till Friday?〃
 〃Yes。 We wait。 We've been ordered to wait。 Even if Dunross has torn out pages; or sections; or disposed of whole files; we can't put him in prison … or force him to remember or tell us anything。〃
 〃If the director or Source decide he should be leaned on; there're ways。 That's what the enemy'd do。〃
 Crosse and Armstrong stared at Rosemont。 At length Armstrong said coldly; 〃But that doesn't make it right。〃
 〃That doesn't make it wrong either。 Next: For your ears only; Rog。〃
 At once Armstrong got up but Crosse motioned him to stay。 〃Robert's my ears。〃 Armstrong hid the laughter that permeated him at so ridiculous a statement。
 〃No。 Sorry; Rog; orders … your brass and mine。〃
 Armstrong saw Crosse hesitate perfectly。 〃Robert; wait outside。 When I buzz e back in。 Check on Brian。〃
 〃Yes sir。〃 Armstrong went out and closed the door; sorry that he would not be present for the kill。
 The American lit another cigarette。 〃Top secret。 At 0400 today the whole Ninety…second Airborne dropped into Azerbaijan supported by large units of Delta Force and they've fanned out all along the Iran…Soviet border。〃 Crosse's eyes widened。 〃This was at the direct request of the Shah; in response to massive Soviet military preparations just over the border and the usual Soviet…sponsored riots all over Iran。 Jesus; Rog; can't you get some air conditioning in here?〃 Rosemont mopped his brow。 〃There's a security blanket all over Iran now。 At 0600 support units landed at Teheran airport。 Our Seventh Fleet's heading for the Gulf; the Sixth … that's the Mediterranean … is already at battle stations off Israel; the Second; Atlantic; is heading for the Baltic; NORAD's alerted; NATO's alerted; and all Poseidons are one step from Red。〃
 〃Jesus Christ; what the hell's going on?〃
 〃Khrushchev is making another real play for Iran … always an optimum Soviet target right? He figures he has the advantage。 It's r

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