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小说: jamesclavell.noblehouse 字数: 每页4000字

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 〃Certainly。 Didn't JFK give Khrushchev a written promise not to invade Cuba; not to permit an invasion from American territory … or from any other place in the Western Hemisphere? Written; by God! So now; a hostile European power; Soviet Russia; totally against your Monroe Doctrine; is openly established ninety miles off your coast; the borders of which are guaranteed in writing by your own President and ratified by your own Congress。 The Big K pulled off a colossal coup never duplicated in your whole history。 And all for nothing!〃 Gavallan's voice harshened。 〃Now Cuba's nicely safe; thank you very much; where it'll grow; expand and eventually infect all South America。 Safe for Soviet subs; ships; aircraft。 。。。 Christ almighty that's certainly a marvelous victory!〃
 Casey looked at Bartlett; shocked。 〃But surely; Linc; surely that's not right。〃
 Bartlett was as shocked。 〃I guess 。。。 if you think about it; Casey; I guess。 。。。 It sure as hell cost them nothing。〃
 〃Ian's convinced of it;〃 Gavallan said。 〃Talk to him。 As to Vietnam; no one here thinks President Kennedy can handle that either; much as we admire him personally。 Asia's not like Europe; or the Americas。 They think differently here; act differently and have different values。〃
 There was a sudden silence。 Bartlett broke it。 〃You think there'll be war then?〃
 Gavallan glanced at him。 〃Nothing for you to worry about。 Par…Con should do very well。 You've heavy industry; puters; polyurethane foam; government contracts into aerospace; petrochemicals; sonics; wireless equipment 。。。 With your goods and our expertise if there's a war; well; the sky's the limit。〃
 〃I don't think I'd like to profit that way;〃 Casey said; irritated by him。 〃That's a lousy way to earn a buck。〃
 Gavallan turned on her。 〃A lot of things on this earth are lousy; and wrong and unfair。 。。。〃 He was going to give her both barrels; infuriated with the way she kept interrupting his conversation with Bartlett but he decided that now was not the time; nor the place; so he said pleasantly; 〃But of course you're right。 No one wants to profit from death。 If you'll excuse me I'll be going。 。。。 You know everyone has place cards? Dinner'll start any moment。 Matter of face。〃
 He walked off。
 Casey said; 〃I don't think he likes me at all。〃
 They laughed at the way she said it。 〃What you said was right; Casey;〃 Orlanda told her。 〃You were right。 War is terrible。〃
 〃You were here during it?〃 Casey asked innocently。
 〃Yes; but in Macao。 I'm Portuguese。 My mother told me it wasn't too bad there。 The Japanese didn't trouble Macao because Portugal was neutral。〃 Orlanda added sweetly; 〃Of course I'm only twenty…five now so 1 hardly remember any of it。 I was not quite seven when the war ended。 Macao's nice; Casey。 So different from Hong Kong。 You and Linc might like to go there。 It's worth seeing。 I'd love to be your guide。〃
 I'll bet; Casey thought; feeling her twenty…six was old against Orlanda who had the skin of a seventeen…year…old。 〃That'd be great。 But Lando; what's with Andrew? Why was he so teed off? Because I'm a woman VP and all that?〃
 〃I doubt that。 I'm sure you exaggerate;〃 Mata said。 〃It's just that he's not very pro…American and it drives him mad that the British Empire's no more; that the U。S。 is arbiter of the world's fate and making obvious mistakes; he thinks。 Most British people agree with him; I'm afraid! It's part jealousy of course。 But you must be patient with Andrew。 After all; your government did give away Hong Kong in '45 to Chiang … only the British navy stopped that。 America did side with Soviet Russia against them over Suez; did support the Jews against them in Palestine … there are dozens of examples。 It's also true lots of us here think your present hostility to China's ill…advised。〃
 〃But they're as munist as Russia。 They went to war against us when we were only trying to protect freedom in South Korea。 We weren't going to attack them。〃
 〃But historically; China's always crossed the Yalu when any foreign invader approached that border。 Always。 Your MacArthur was supposed to be a historian;〃 Mata said patiently; wondering if she was as naive in bed; 〃he should have known。 He … or your President … forced China into a path it did not want to take。 I'm absolutely sure of that。〃
 〃But we weren't invaders。 North Korea invaded the South。 We just wanted to help a people be free。 We'd nothing to gain from South Korea。 We spend billions trying to help people stay free。 Look what China did to Tibet … to India last year。 Seems to me we're always the fall guy and all we want is to protect freedom。〃 She stopped as a murmur of relief went through the room and people began heading for their tables。 Waiters bearing silver…domed platters were trooping in。 〃Thank God! I'm starving!〃
 〃Me too;〃 Bartlett said。
 〃Shitee's early tonight;〃 Mata said with a laugh。 〃Orlanda; you should have warned them it's an old custom always to have a snack before any of Shitee's banquets。〃
 Orlanda just smiled her lovely smile and Casey said; 〃Orlanda warned Linc; who told me; but I figured I could last。〃 She looked at her enemy who was almost half a head shorter; about five foot three。 For the first time in her life she felt big and oafish。 Be honest; she reminded herself; ever since you walked out of the hotel into the streets and saw all the Chinese girls and women with their tiny hands and feet and bodies and smallness; all dark…eyed and dark…haired; you've felt huge and alien。 Yes。 Now I can understand why they all gape at us so much。 And as for the ordinary tourist; loud; overweight; waddling along 。。。
 Even so; Orlanda Ramos; as pretty as you are and as clever as you think you are; you're not the girl for Linc Bartlett。 So you can blow it all out of your ass! 〃Next time; Orlanda;〃 she said so nicely; 〃I'll remember to be very cautious about what you remend。〃
 〃I remend we eat; Casey。 I'm hungry too。〃 Mata said; 〃I do believe we're all at the same table。 I must confess I arranged it。〃 Happily he led the way; more than ever excited by the challenge of getting Casey into bed。 The moment he had seen her he had decided。 Part of it was her beauty and tallness and beautiful breasts; such a wele contrast to the smallness and sameness of the normal Asian girl。 Part was because of the clues Orlanda had given him。 But the biggest part had been his sudden thought that by breaking the Bartlett…Casey connection he might wreck Par…Con's probe into Asia。 Far better to keep Americans and their hypocritical; impractical morality and meddling out of our area as long as we can; he had told himself。 And if Dunross doesn't have the Par…Con deal; then he will have to sell me the control I want。 Then; at long last; I bee the tai…pan of the Noble House; all the Dunrosses and Struans notwithstanding。
 Madonna; life is really very good。 Curious that this woman could be the key to the best lock in Asia; he thought。 Then he added contentedly; Clearly she can be bought。 It's only a matter of how much。
 11:01 P。M。:
 Dinner was twelve courses。 Braised abalone with green sprouts; chicken livers and sliced partridge sauce; shark's fin soup; barbecued chicken; Chinese greens and peapods and broccoli and fifty other vegetables with crab meat; the skin of roast Peking duck with plum sauce and sliced spring onions and paper…thin pancakes; double…boiled mushrooms and fish maw; smoked pomfret fish with salad; rice Yangchow style; home sweet home noodles … then happiness dessert; sweetened lotus seeds and lily in rice gruel。 And tea continuously。
 Mata and Orlanda helped Casey and Bartlett。 Fleur and Peter Marlowe were the only other Europeans at their table。 The Chinese presented their visiting cards and received others in exchange。 〃Oh you can eat with chopsticks!〃 All the Chinese were openly astonished; then slid fortably back into Cantonese; the bejeweled women clearly discussing Casey and Bartlett and the Marlowes。 Their ments were slightly guarded only because of Lando Mata and Orlanda。
 〃What're they saying; Orlanda?〃 Bartlett asked quietly amid the noisy exuberance particularly of the Chinese。
 〃They're just wondering about you and Miss Casey;〃 she said as cautiously; not translatin

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