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小说: jamesclavell.noblehouse 字数: 每页4000字

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 〃Kristos! Why the hell did Roger have to be so efficient?〃
 〃It was Armstrong。 SI has checks and balances。 But so long as Metkin knows nothing there's no harm!〃
 Suslev felt the Englishman's scrutiny。 He kept his face guileless。 Plumm was no fool。 The man was strong; cunning; ruthless; a secret protégé and selectee of Philby's。 〃I'm certain Metkin knows nothing that could damage us。 Even so; Center should be informed at once。 They can deal with it。〃
 〃I've already done that。 I asked for Priority One help。〃
 〃Good;〃 Suslev said。 〃You've done very well; rade。 You and Crosse。 Acquiring Crosse for the cause was a brilliant coup。 I must congratulate you again。〃 Suslev meant the pliment。 Roger Crosse was a professional and not an amateur like this man and all the others of Sevrin。
 〃Perhaps I acquired him; perhaps he acquired me。 I'm not sure sometimes;〃 Plumm said thoughtfully。 〃Or about you; rade。 Voranski I knew。 We'd done business over the years but you; you're a new; untried quantity。〃
 〃Yes。 It must be difficult for you。〃
 〃You don't seem too upset about the loss of your superior。〃
 〃I'm not。 I must confess I'm not。 Metkin was mad to put himself in such danger。 That was totally against orders。 To be frank 。。。 I think there have been security leaks from the Ivanov。 Metkin was the only long…term member of the crew; apart from Voranski; who had access ashore。 He was considered to be beyond reproach but you never know。 Perhaps he made other mistakes; a loose tongue in a bar; eh?〃
 〃Christ protect us from fools and traitors。 Where did AMG get his information?〃
 〃We don't know。 As soon as we do; that leak will be plugged。〃
 〃Are you going to be Voranski's permanent replacement?〃
 〃I don't know。 I have not been told。〃
 〃I don't like change。 Change is dangerous。 Who killed him?〃
 〃Ask Crosse。 I want to know too。〃 Suslev watched Plumm back。 He saw him nod; apparently satisfied。 〃What about Sinders and the AMG papers?〃 he asked。
 〃Roger's covered everything。 No need to worry。 He's sure we'll get to look at them。 You'll have your copy tomorrow。〃 Again Plumm watched him。 〃What if we're named in the reports?〃
 〃Impossible! Dunross would have told Roger at once … or one of his friends in the police; probably Chop Suey Kwok;〃 Suslev said with a sneer。 〃If not him; the governor。 Automatically it would get back to Roger。 You're all safe。〃
 〃Perhaps; perhaps not。〃 Plumm went to the window and looked at the brooding sky。 〃Nothing's ever safe。 Take Jacques。 He's a risk now。 He'll never make tai…pan。〃
 Suslev let himself frown and then; as though it was a sudden idea; he said; 〃Why not guide him out of Hong Kong? Suggest to Jacques he ask to be posted to 。。。 say Struan's in Canada。 He could use his recent tragedy as an excuse。 In Canada he'll be in a backwater and he'll die on the vine there。 Eh?〃
 〃Very good idea。 Yes; that should be easy。 He has a number of good contacts there which might be useful。〃 Plumm nodded。 〃I'll be a lot happier when we've read those files; and even happier when you find out how the hell AMG discovered us。〃
 〃He discovered Sevrin; not you。 Listen; rade; I assure you you're safe to continue your vital work。 Please continue to do everything you can to agitate the banking crisis and the stock market crash。〃
 〃No need to worry。 We all want that to happen。〃
 The phone came to life。 Both men stared at it。 It only sounded once。 One ring。 The code; danger; leaped into their heads。 Aghast Suslev grabbed the hidden gun; remembering his fingerprints were on it as he hurtled through the kitchen for the back door; Plumm close behind him。 He ripped open the door; letting Plumm through first onto the exit landing。 At that moment there was the pounding of approaching feet and a crash against the front door behind them which held but buckled slightly。 Suslev closed the back door silently; easing a bar into place。 Another crash。 He peered through a crack。 Another crash。 The front locks shattered。 For an instant he saw the silhouettes of four men against the hall light; then he fled。 Plumm was already down the stairs; covering him from the next landing; automatic out; and Suslev went down the steps three at a time past him to the next landing; then turned to cover in his turn。 Above him the back door buckled nauseatingly。 Silently Plumm ran past him and again covered him as they fled downward to the next landing。 Then Plumm pulled away some camouflaging crates from the false door exit that branched off the main one。 Footsteps noisily raced up toward them from downstairs。 Another crash against the back door above。 Suslev guarded as Plumm squeezed through the opening into the dark and he followed; pulling the partial door closed after him。 Already Plumm had found the flashlight that was waiting in a clip。 Footsteps raced closer。 Cautiously Plumm led the way downward; both men moving well and silently。 The footsteps passed with the sound of muffled voices。 Both men stopped momentarily; trying to hear what was being said。 But the sound was too indistinct and muted and they could not even tell if it was English or Chinese。
 Plumm turned again and led the way downward。 They hurried but with great caution; not wanting to make any unnecessary noise。 Soon they were near the secret exit。 Without hesitation the two men lifted the false floor and went below into the cool wet of the culvert。 Once they were there and safe; they stopped for breath; their hearts pounding with the suddenness of it all。
 When he could talk; Suslev whispered; 〃Kuomintang?〃
 Plumm just shrugged。 He wiped the sweat off。 A car rumbled overhead。 He directed his light to the dripping ceiling。 There were many cracks and another avalanche of stones and mud cascaded。 The floor was awash with half a foot of water that covered their shoes。
 〃Best we part; old chap;〃 Plumm said softly and Suslev noticed that though the man was sweating; his voice was icy calm and the light never wavered。 〃I'll get Roger to deal with whatever shower that was at once。 Very bloody boring。〃
 Suslev's heart was slowing。 He still found it difficult to speak。 〃Where do we meet tomorrow?〃
 〃I'll let you know。〃 The Englishman's face was stark。 〃First Voranski; then Metkin and now this。 Too many leaks。〃 He jerked a thumb upward。 〃That was too close。 Maybe your Metkin knew more than you think he did。〃
 〃No。 I tell you he knew nothing about Sevrin; nothing; or about that apartment or Clinker or any of it。 Only Voranski and me; we're the only ones who knew。 There's no leak from our side。〃
 〃I hope you're right。〃 Plumm added grimly; 〃We'll find out; Roger'll find out one way or another; one day; and then God help the traitor!〃
 〃Good。 I want him too。〃
 After a pause Plumm said; 〃Call me every half an hour from various phone booths; from 7:30 p。m。 tomorrow。〃
 〃All right。 If for any reason there's a problem I'll be at Ginny's from eleven onwards。 One last thing。 If we don't get to look at the AMG papers; what's your opinion about Dunross?〃
 〃His memory's incredible。〃
 〃Then we isolate him for a chemical interrogation?〃
 〃Why not?〃
 〃Good; tovarich。 I'll make all the preparations。〃
 〃No。 We'll snatch him and we'll deliver him。 To the Ivanov?〃
 Suslev nodded and told him Metkin's suggestion of blaming the Werewolves; not saying it was Metkin's idea。 〃Eh?〃
 Plumm smiled。 〃Clever! See you tomorrow。〃 He handed Suslev the flashlight; took out a pencil light and turned; going down the culvert; his feet still under water。 Suslev watched until the tall man had turned the corner and vanished。 He had never followed the culvert below。 Plumm had told him not to; that it was dangerous and subject to rockfalls。
 He took a deep breath; now over his fright。 Another car rumbled heavily overhead。 That's probably a truck; he thought absently。 More mud and a piece of the concrete fell with a splash; startling him。 Suslev waited; then began to pick his way carefully up the slope。 Another tiny avalanche。 Suddenly Suslev hated the subterranean tube。 It made him feel insecure and doom ridden。
 11:59 P。M。:
 Dunross was looking at the sad hulk of the burned…out Floating Dragon restaurant that lay on her side in twenty feet of Aberdeen water。 The othe

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