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小说: jamesclavell.noblehouse 字数: 每页4000字

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t John?〃
 Armstrong looked back at him。 〃I haven't had a chance to ask her。 Tonight … if they give me any peace。〃
 〃They won't。〃 Smyth's face crinkled with a twisted smile。 〃Put your 40 on Pilot Fish。〃
 〃What 40?〃
 〃A dickie bird twittered that a certain golden nest egg has flown your coop … to mix metaphors。〃 The smaller man shrugged。 〃Don't worry; Robert; have a flutter。 There's plenty more where that came from。 Good luck。〃 He went away。 Armstrong stared after him; hating him。
 The bugger's right though; he thought; his chest hurting。 There's plenty more but once you take the first; what about the second and though you give nothing; admit nothing; guarantee nothing; there will e a time。 As sure as God made little apples there's always a return payment。
 Mary。 She needs that holiday; needs it so much and there's the stockbroker's bill and all the other bills and oh Christ; with this market gone crazy I'm almost wiped out。 God curse money … or the lack of it。
 40 on a winning quinella'd solve everything。 Or do I put it all on Pilot Fish? All or half or none。 If it's all; there's plenty of time to place bets at other windows。
 His feet took him to one of the betting lines。 Many recognized him and those who did; feeling their instant internal fear; wished the police had their own box and own windows and did not mix with honest citizens。 Four Finger Wu was one of these。 Hastily he put 50;000 on a quinella of Pilot Fish and Butterscotch Lass and fled back to the members' room; gratefully to sip his brandy and soda。 Dirty dogmeat police to frighten honest citizens; he thought; waiting for Venus Poon to return。 Eeeee; he chortled; her Golden Gulley's worth every carat of the diamond I promised her last night。 Two Clouds and Rain before dawn and a promise of another bout on Sunday when the yang recovers his ju… 
 A sudden roar from outside diverted his mind。 At once he shoved his way through the crowds packing the balcony。 The names of the fifth racehorses and their jockeys were ing up on the board; one by one。 Pilot Fish; number one; got a full…bellied cheer; then Street Vendor; an outsider; two; Golden Lady; three and a ripple of excitement went through her many backers。 When Noble Star; seven; flashed up there was a great roar and when the last; number eight; the favorite; Butterscotch Lass; there was an even greater roar。
 Down by the rail Dunross and Travkin were grimly inspecting the turf。 It was torn and slippery。 The nearer the rail; the worse it was。 Above; the sky was blacker and lowering。 A sprinkle started and a nervous groan slipped from fifty thousand throats。
 〃It's rotten; tai…pan;〃 Travkin said; 〃the going's rotten。〃
 〃It's the same for everyone。〃 Dunross let his mind reestimate the odds a last time。 If I ride and win; the omen will be immense。 If I ride and lose; the omen will be very bad。 To be beaten by Pilot Fish would be even worse。 I could be hurt easily。 I can't afford 。。。 the Noble House can't afford to be headless today; tomorrow or Monday。 If Travkin rides and loses or finishes behind Pilot Fish that would be bad but not as bad。 That would be joss。
 But I won't get hurt。 I'll win。 I want this race more than anything in the world。 I won't fail。 I'm not sure about Alexi。 I can win … if the gods are with me。 Yes but how much are you prepared to gamble on the gods?
 〃Eeee; young Ian;〃 Old Chen…chen had told him many times; 〃beware of expecting help from the gods; however much you petition them with gold or promises。 Gods are gods and gods go out to lunch and sleep and get bored and turn their eyes away。 Gods are the same as people: good and bad; lazy and strong; sweet and sour; stupid and wise! Why else are they gods; heya?〃
 Dunross could feel his heart thumping and could smell the warm; acrid; sweet…sour horse sweat; could sense the mind…blinding; spirit…curdling motioning; hands gripping the whip; bunched in the corner; now into the far straight; now into the last corner; the aching; grand sweet terror of speed; wielding the whip; jamming your heels in; outstretched now; carefully bumping Pilot Fish into the rails; putting him off his stride; and now into the straight; ripping into the straight; Pilot Fish behind; winning post ahead 。。。 e on e on 。。。 winning。 。。。
 〃We have to decide; tai…pan。 It's time。〃
 Dunross came back slowly; bile in his mouth。 〃Yes。 You ride;〃 he said; putting the House before himself。
 And now that he had said it he put the rest aside and clapped Travkin warmly on the shoulders。 〃Win; Alexi; win by God。〃
 The older man; gnarled and leathery; peered up at him。 He nodded once; then walked off to change。 As he went he noticed Suslev in the stands watching him through binoculars。 A tremor went through him。 Suslev had promised that this Christmas Nestorova would e to Hong Kong; she would be allowed to join him in Hong Kong … and stay in Hong Kong … at Christmas。 If he cooperated。 If he cooperated and did what was asked。
 Do you believe that? No。 No; not at all; those matyeryebyets are liars and betrayers but maybe this time 。。。 Christ Jesus why should I be ordered to meet Dunross at Sinclair Towers by night; late at night? Why? Christ Jesus; what should I do? Don't think; old man。 You're old and soon you'll be dead but your first duty is to win。 If you win; the tai…pan will do your bidding。 If you lose? If you win or lose; how can you live with the shame of betraying the man who befriended you and trusts you?
 He went into the jockeys' room。
 Behind him Dunross had turned to glance at the tote。 The odds had shortened; the total amount at risk already two and a half million。 Butterscotch Lass was 3 to 1; Noble Star 7 to 1; still no jockey listed。 Pilot Fish 5 to 1; Golden Lady 7 to 1。 Early yet; he thought; and so much time left to gamble。 Travkin will shorten the odds。 A cold shaft took him。 I wonder if there's a deal going on right now; a deal among the trainers and jockeys? Christ; we all better be watching this one very carefully indeed。
 〃Ah Ian!〃
 〃Oh hello; sir。〃 Dunross smiled at Sir Geoffrey who came up to him then looked at Havergill who was with the governor。 〃Pity about Winwell Stag; Paul; I thought he ran a grand race。〃
 〃Joss;〃 Havergill said politely。 〃Who's riding Noble Star?〃
 The governor's face lit up。 〃Ah; very good choice。 Yes; he'll make a good race of it。 For a moment; Ian; I was afraid you might be tempted。〃
 〃I was。 Still am; sir。〃 Dunross smiled faintly。 〃If Alexi gets hit by a bus between now and then; I'm riding her。〃
 〃Well; for the sake of all of us and the Noble House; let's hope that doesn't happen。 We can't afford to have you hurt。 The going looks terrible。〃 Another swirl of rain came and passed by。 〃We've been very lucky so far。 No bad accidents。 If the rain starts in earnest; it might be worthwhile considering abandoning。〃
 〃We've already discussed it; sir。 We're running a little late。 The race'll be delayed ten minutes。 So long as the weather holds for this race most people will be satisfied。〃
 Sir Geoffrey watched him。 〃Oh by the way; Ian; I tried the minister a few minutes ago but I'm afraid he was already in meetings。 I left word and he'll call back the moment he can。 It seems the ramifications of this damned Profumo scandal are once more tearing at the very roots of the Conservative government。 The press are screaming; quite rightly; in case there have been breaches of security。 Until the mission of Enquiry es out next month; settling once and for all security aspects and rumors that others in the government are implicated or not; there'll be no peace。〃
 〃Yes;〃 Havergill said。 〃But surely the worst's over; sir。 As to the report; certainly it won't be adverse。〃
 〃Adverse or not; this scandal will wreck the Conservatives;〃 Dunross said soberly; remembering AMG's forecast in the last report。
 〃Good God; I hope not。〃 Havergill was aghast。 〃Those two twits; Grey and Broadhurst; in power amongst all the other Socialist shower? If their press conference was any indication; we might as well all go home。〃
 〃We are home; and it all es home to roost。 Eventually;〃 Sir Geoffrey said sadly。 〃Anyway; Ian made the correct decision; not to ride。〃 He glanced at Havergill and his gaze sharpened。 〃

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