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小说: jamesclavell.noblehouse 字数: 每页4000字

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upidity to be kidnapped and now murdered? Oh yes。 And wasn't he meeting with the same foreign devil in Macao next week to arrange finances; payments; to set into motion the whole vast operation? Of course he should be High Tiger; of course he should have the most profit! With their bined expertise … and Profitable Choy's modern techniques … he could revolutionize the smuggling of the opium into Hong Kong; and once here; revolutionize the conversion of the raw narcotic into the immensely profitable White Powders; and finally; the means of export to the markets of the world。 Now that Paul Choy was already in the shipping and air freighting department of Second Big pany and two grandsons of Yuen; also American trained; in their customs broking operation … and another four English university…trained relations of White Powder Lee placed within Noble House's Kai Tak go…down operations and All Asia Air's loading and unloading division; imports and exports would be ever safer; easier and ever more profitable。
 They had discussed whom they would co…opt in the police; particularly Marine。
 〃None of the barbarians; never one of those fornicators;〃 White Powder Lee had said hotly。 〃They won't support us; never。 Not in drugs。 We must use only the Dragons。〃
 〃Agreed。 All the Dragons have all been approached and all will cooperate。 All except Tang…po of Kowloon。〃
 〃We must have Kowloon; he's senior and Marine operates from there。 Is he holding out for a better deal personally? Or is he against us?〃
 〃I don't know。 At the moment。〃 Four Fingers had shrugged。 〃Tang…po is up to the High Dragon to solve。 The High Dragon has agreed; so it is agreed。〃
 Yes; Four Fingers thought; I outsmarted them to make me High Tiger and I outsmarted Profitable Choy on my money。 I didn't give the young fornicator control of my fortune to gamble with as he thought I would。 Oh no! I'm not that much of a fool! I only let him have 2 million and promised him 17 percent of all profit … let's see what he can do with that。 Yes。 Let's see what he can do with that!
 The old man's heart picked up and he scratched himself。 I'll bet the cunning young man'll triple it within the week; he told himself gleefully; not a little awed … the diamond paid for by his son's wits from the first profit on the stock sale; and a year of Venus Poon already allocated from the same source and not a copper cash of his own capital to lay out! Eeeee! And the cunning schemes Profitable es up with! Like the one to deal with the tai…pan tomorrow when we meet。
 Anxiously his fingers reached up and touched the half…coin that was on the heavy thong around his neck under his shirt; a coin like that his illustrious ancestor; Wu Fang Choi; had called upon to claim a clipper ship to rival the finest in Dirk Struan's fleet。 But Wu Fang Choi; he thought grimly; had been the fool … he had never demanded safe passage for the ship as part of his favor and so had been outsmarted by the Green…Eyed Devil; the tai…pan。
 Yes; by all the gods; it was Wu Fang Choi's own fault he lost。 But he didn't lose everything。 He hunted down that hunchback called Stride Orlov who ruled the ships of the Noble House for Culum the Weak。 His men caught Orlov ashore in Singapore and brought him in chains to Taiwan where his headquarters were。 There he tied him to a post; just at high…water mark; and drowned him very slowly。
 I won't be foolish like Wu Fang Choi。 No。 I will make sure my ask from this tai…pan is watertight。
 Tomorrow; the tai…pan will agree to open his ships to my cargoes … secretly of course; will agree to open some of the Noble House accounts for me to hide in … secretly of course; though to his great profit; will agree; equally secretly; to finance with me the vast new pharmaceutical plant that; oh ko; Profitable Choy says will be the perfect; legitimate undetectable narcotic smoke screen for me and mine forever; and last; the tai…pan will intercede with the half…person; Lando Mata; and choose my name and my suggested syndicate to replace the existing Macao gold and gambling syndicate of Tightfist Tung and the Chin; and he; the tai…pan; he will promise to be part of it。
 Four Finger Wu was filled with ecstasy。 The tai…pan will have to agree to everything。 Everything。 And everything is within his fief。
 〃Here's the brandy。〃
 Four Finger Wu took it from the amah and sipped it dreamily; with vast enjoyment。 All gods bear witness: For seventy…six years; I; Four Finger Wu; Head of the Seaborne Wu; have lived life to the full and if you gods will take my spirit during the Clouds and the Rain; I will sing your praises in heaven … if there is a heaven … forever more。 And if you don't 。。。
 The old man shrugged to himself and beamed and curled his toes。 He yawned and closed his eyes; warm and toasty and very happy。 Gods are gods and gods sleep and make mistakes but as sure as the great storms will e this year and next; Little Strumpet will earn her diamond tonight。 Now which way should it be; he asked himself; going to sleep。
 The taxi stopped at the foyer below。 Suslev got out drunkenly and paid the man; then; reeling slightly; stepped over the rainwater swirling in the gutters and went in。
 There was a crowd of people chattering and waiting at the elevator and he recognized Casey and Jacques deVille among them。 Unsteadily he belched his way down the stairs to the lower level; crossed the garage and banged on Clinker's door。
 〃Hello; matey;〃 Clinker said。
 〃Tovarich!〃 Suslev gave him a bear hug。
 〃Vodka's up! Beer's up。 Mabel; say hello to the captain!〃 The sleepy old bulldog just opened one eye; chomped her gums and farted loudly。
 Clinker sighed and shut the door。 〃Poor old Mabel! Wish to Christ she wouldn't do that; the place gets proper niffy! Here。〃 He handed Suslev a full glass of water with a wink。 〃It's your favorite; old mate。 120 proof。〃
 Suslev winked back and slurped the water loudly。 〃Thanks; old shipmate。 Another of these'n I'll sail away from this capitalist paradise happily!〃
 〃Another of those;〃 Clinker guffawed; keeping up the pretense; 〃an' you'll slip out'uv Hong Kong harbor on your knees!〃 He refilled the glass。 〃How long you staying tonight?〃
 〃Just had to have some last drinks with you; eh? So long as I leave here by ten I'm fine。 Drink up!〃 he roared with forced bonhomie。 〃Let's have some music; eh?〃
 Happily Clinker turned on the tape recorder; loud。 The sad Russian ballad filled the room。
 Suslev put his lips close to Clinker's ear。 〃Thanks; Ernie。 I'll be back in good time。〃
 〃All right。〃 Clinker winked; still believing Suslev's cover that he had an assignation with a married woman in Sinclair Towers。 〃Who is she; eh?〃 He had never asked before。
 〃No names; no pack drill;〃 Suslev whispered with a broad grin。 〃But her husband's a nob; a capitalist swine and on the legislature!〃
 Clinker beamed。 〃Smashing! Give her one for me; eh?〃
 Suslev went down the trapdoor and found the flashlight。 Water dripped from the cracked concrete roof of the tunnel; the cracks bigger than before。 Small avalanches of rubble made the floor precarious and slippery。 His nervousness increased; not liking the closeness; nor the necessity to go to meet Crosse; wanting to be far away; safe on his ship with a plete alibi when Dunross was drugged and snatched。 But Crosse had been adamant。
 〃Goddamn it; Gregor; you have to be there! I've got to see you in person and I'm certainly not going aboard the Ivanov。 It's perfectly safe; I guarantee it!〃
 Guarantee? Suslev thought angrily again。 How can one guarantee anything? He took out the snub…nosed automatic with the silencer; checked it and clicked off the safety catch。 Then he continued again; picking his way carefully; and climbed the ladder to the false cupboard。 Once on the stairs; he stopped and listened; holding his breath; all his concentration seeking danger。 Finding none; he began to breathe easier; went up the stairs silently and into the apartment。 Light from the high rise just below and from the city came through the windows and illuminated everything well enough for him to see。 He checked the apartment thoroughly。 When he had finished he went to the refrigerator and opened a bottle of beer。 Absently he stared out 

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