九味书屋 > 文学经管电子书 > jamesclavell.noblehouse >



小说: jamesclavell.noblehouse 字数: 每页4000字

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Then he said softly; 〃There's nothing to prevent you from forming a pany to set up your own stock market; a Chinese stock market。 That's quite within Hong Kong law … or lack of it。〃 The old eyes glittered。 〃All you need is money; contacts; knowledge and telephones。 。。。〃
 〃My money please;〃 the old amah whispered hoarsely。 〃Here's my savings book。〃 Her face was flushed from the heat within the Ho…Pak branch at Aberdeen。 It was ten minutes to three now and she had been waiting since dawn。 Sweat streaked her old white blouse and black pants。 A long graying ratty queue hung down her back。 〃Ayeeyah; don't shove;〃 she called out to those behind her。 〃You'll get your turn soon!〃
 Wearily the young teller took the book and glanced again at the clock。 Ayeeyah! Thank all gods we close at three; she thought; and wondered anxiously through her grinding headache how they were going to close the doors with so many irritable people crammed in front of the grilles; pressed forward by those outside。
 The amount in the savings book was 323。42 HK。 Following Mr。 Sung's instructions to take time and be accurate she went to the files trying to shut her ears to the stream of impatient; muttered obscenities that had gone on for hours。 She made sure the amount was correct; then checked the clock again as she came back to her high stool and unlocked her cash drawer and opened it。 There was not enough money in her till so she locked the drawer again and went to the manager's office。 An undercurrent of rage went through the waiting people。 She was a short clumsy woman。 Eyes followed her; then went anxiously to the clock and back to her again。
 She knocked on his door and closed it after her。 〃I can't pay Old Ah Tam;〃 she said helplessly。 〃I've only 100 HK; I've delayed as much 。。。〃
 Manager Sung wiped the sweat off his upper lip。 〃It's almost three so make her your last customer; Miss Cho。〃 He took her through a side door to the vault。 The safe door was ponderous。 She gasped as she saw the empty shelves。 At this time of the day usually the shelves were filled with neat stacks of notes and paper tubes of silver; the notes clipped together in their hundreds and thousands and tens of thousands。 Sorting the money after closing was the job she liked best; that and touching the sensuous bundles of new; crisp; fresh bills。
 〃Oh this is terrible; Honorable Sung;〃 she said near to tears。 Her thick glasses were misted and her hair askew。
 〃It's just temporary; just temporary; Miss Cho。 Remember what the Honorable Haply wrote in today's Guardian!〃 He cleared the last shelf; mitting his final reserves; cursing the consignment that had not yet arrived。 〃Here。〃 He gave her 15;000 for show; made her sign for it; and took 15 for each of the other two tellers。 Now the vault was empty。
 When he came into the main room there was a sudden electric; exciting hush at the apparently large amount of money; cash money。
 He gave the money to the other two tellers; then vanished into his office again。
 Miss Cho was stacking the money neatly in her drawer; all eyes watching her and the other tellers。 One packet of 1;000 she left on the desk。 She broke the seal and methodically counted out 320; and three ones and the change; recounted it and slid it across the counter。 The old woman stuffed it into a paper bag; and the next in line irritably shoved forward and thrust his savings book into Miss Cho's face。 〃Here; by all the gods。 I want seven thous… 〃
 At that moment; the three o'clock bell went and Mr。 Sung appeared instantly and said in a loud voice; 〃Sorry; we have to close now。 All tellers close your … 〃 The rest of his words were drowned by the angry roar。
 〃By all gods I've waited since dawn 。。。〃
 〃Dew neh loh moh but I've been here eight hours。 。。。〃
 〃Ayeeyah; just pay me; you've enough 。。。〃
 〃Oh please please please please 。。。〃
 Normally the bank would just have shut its doors and served those within; but this time; obediently; the three frightened tellers locked their tills in the uproar; put up their CLOSED signs and backed away from the outstretched hands。
 Suddenly the crowd within the bank became a mob。
 Those in front were shoved against the counter as others fought to get into the bank。 A girl shrieked as she was slammed against the counter。 Hands reached out for the grilles that were more for decoration than protection。 Everyone was enraged now。 One old seaman who had been next in line reached over to try to jerk the till drawer open。 The old amah was jammed in the seething mass of a hundred or more people and she fought to get to one side; her money clasped tightly in her scrawny hands。 A young woman lost her footing and was trampled on。 She tried to get up but the milling legs defied her so; in desperation; she bit into one leg and got enough respite to scramble up; stockings ripped; chong…sam torn and now in panic。 Her panic whipped the mob further then someone shouted; 〃Kill the motherless whore's son 。。。〃 and the shout was taken up; 〃Killllllll!〃
 There was a split second of hesitation; then; as one; they surged forward。
 The word blasted through the atmosphere in English and then in Haklo and then in Cantonese and then in English again。
 The silence was sudden and vast。
 The uniformed chief inspector stood before them; unarmed and calm; an electric megaphone in his hand。 He had e through the back door into an inner office and now he was looking at them。
 〃It's three o'clock;〃 he said softly in Haklo。 〃The law says banks close at three o'clock。 This bank is now closed。 Please turn around and go home! Quietly!〃
 Another silence; angrier this time; then the beginning of a violent swell and one man muttered sullenly; 〃What about my fornicating money 。。。〃 and others almost took up the shout but the police officer moved fast; very fast; directly at the man; fearlessly lifted the countertop and went straight at him into the mob。 The mob backed off。
 〃Tomorrow;〃 the police officer said gently; towering over him。 〃You'll get all your money tomorrow。〃 The man dropped his eyes; hating the cold blue fish…eyes and the nearness of a foreign devil。 Sullenly he moved back a pace。
 The policeman looked at the rest of them; into their eyes。 〃You at the back;〃 he ordered; instantly selecting the man with unerring care; his voice manding yet with the same quiet confidence; 〃Turn around and make way for the others。〃
 Obediently the man did as he was ordered。 The mob became a crowd again。 A moment's hesitation then another turned and began to push for the door。 〃Dew neh loh moh I haven't got all day; hurry up;〃 he said sourly。
 They all began to leave; muttering; furious … but individually; not as a mob。 Sung and the tellers wiped the sweat off their brows; then sat trembling behind the safety of the counter。
 The chief inspector helped the old amah up。 A fleck of blood was at the corner of her mouth。 〃Are you all right; Old Lady?〃 he asked in Haklo。
 She stared at him without understanding。 He repeated it in Cantonese。
 〃Ah; yes 。。。 yes;〃 she said hoarsely; still clasping her paper bag tight against her chest。 〃Thank you; Honored Lord。〃 She scuttled away into the crowd and vanished。 The room emptied。 The Englishman went out to the sidewalk after the last person and stood in the doorway; whistling tonelessly as he watched them stream away。
 〃Yes sir。〃
 〃You can dismiss the men now。 Have a detail here at nine tomorrow。 Put up barriers and let the buggers into the bank just three at a time。 Yourself and four men'll be more than enough。〃
 〃Yes sir。〃 The sergeant saluted。 The chief inspector turned back into the bank。 He locked the front door and smiled at Manager Sung。 〃Rather humid this afternoon; isn't it?〃 he said in English to give Sung face … all educated Chinese in Hong Kong prided themselves in speaking the international language。
 〃Yes sir;〃 Sung replied nervously。 Normally he liked him and admired this chief inspector greatly。 Yes; he thought。 But this was the first time he had actually seen a quai loh with the Evil Eye; daring a mob; standing alone like a malevolent god in front of the mob; daring it to move; to give him the opportunity to spit fire and brimstone。
 Sung shuddered agai

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