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小说: rj.theshadowrising 字数: 每页4000字

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       Disregarding twinges from his leg and side; he unsaddled Stepper and unloaded the packhorse; hobbled both animals and fitted them with nose bags with a few handfuls of barley and some oats。 There was certainly no grazing up here。 As to what there was; though。。。 He strung his bow and laid it across his quiver near the fire; slipped the axe free of its belt loop。
       Gaul joined him in making a fire; and they had a meal of bread and cheese and dried beef; eaten in silence and washed down with water。 The sun slid behind the mountains; silhouetting the peaks and painting the undersides of the clouds red。 Shadows blanketed the valley; and the air began to grow crisp。
       Dusting crumbs from his hands; Perrin dug his good green wool cloak out of his saddlebags。 Perhaps he had grown more accustomed to Tear's heat than he had thought。 The women were certainly not eating in silence around their shadow…shrouded fire; he could hear them laughing; and the bits of what they said that he picked up made his ears burn。 Women would talk about anything; they had no restraint at all。 Loial had moved as far away from them as he could and still be in the light; and was trying to bury himself in a book。 They probably did not even realize they were embarrassing the Ogier; they probably thought they were talking quietly enough for Loial not to hear。
       Muttering to himself; Perrin sat back down across the fire from Gaul。 The Aiel seemed to be taking no notice of the chill。 〃Do you know any funny stories?〃
       〃Funny stories? I cannot think of one; offhand。〃 Gaul's eyes half turned to the other fire; and the laughter。 〃I would if I could。 The sun; remember?〃
       Perrin laughed noisily and made his voice loud enough to carry。 〃I do。 Women!〃 The hilarity in the other camp faded for a moment before rising again。 That should show them。 Other people could laugh。 Perrin stared glumly into the fire。 His wounds ached。
       After a moment; Gaul said; 〃This place begins to look more like the Three…fold Land than most of the wetlands。 Too much water; still; and the trees are still too big and too many; but it is not so strange as the places called forests。〃
       The soil was poor here where Manetheren had died in fire; the widely scattered trees all stunted and thick…boled; odd wind…bent shapes; none as much as thirty feet high。 Perrin thought it about as desolate a spot as he had ever seen。
       〃I wish I could see your Three…fold Land someday; Gaul。〃
       〃Perhaps you will; when we are done here。〃
       〃Perhaps。〃 Not much chance of it; of course。 None; really。 He could have told the Aielman that; but he did not want to talk of it now; or think of it。
       〃This is where Manetheren stood? You are of Manetheren's blood?〃
       〃This was Manetheren;〃 Perrin replied。 〃And I suppose I am。〃 It was hard to believe that the small villages and quiet farms of the Two Rivers held the last of Manetheren's blood; but that was what Moiraine had said。 The old blood runs strong in the Two Rivers; she had said。 〃That was a long time ago; Gaul。 We are farmers; shepherds; not a great nation; not great warriors。〃
       Gaul smiled slightly。 〃If you say it。 I have seen you dance the spears; and Rand al'Thor; and the one called Mat。 But if you say it。〃
       Perrin shifted unfortably。 How much had he changed since leaving home? Himself; and Rand; and Mat? Not his eyes; and the wolves; or Rand's channeling; he did not mean that。 How much of what was inside remained unchanged? Mat was the only one who still seemed to be just himself; only more so。 〃You know about Manetheren?〃
       〃We know more of your world than you think。 And less than we believed。 Long before I crossed the Dragonwall I had read books brought by peddlers。 I knew of 'ships' and 'rivers' and 'forests;' or thought I did。〃 Gaul made them sound like words in a strange tongue。 〃This is how I envisioned a 'forest。' 〃 He gestured at the sparse trees; dwarfed from the height they should have had。 〃To believe a thing is not to make it true。 What of the Nightrunner; and Leafblighter's get? Do you believe it just coincidence they came near this Waygate?〃
       〃No。〃 Perrin sighed。 〃I saw ravens; down the valley。 Maybe that's all they were; but I don't want to take the chance; not after the Trollocs。〃
       Gaul nodded。 〃They could have been Shadoweyes。 If you plan for the worst; all surprises are pleasant。〃
       〃I could do with a pleasant surprise。〃 Perrin felt for wolves again; and again found nothing。 〃I may be able to find out something tonight。 Maybe。 If anything happens here; you might have to kick me to wake me。〃 That sounded odd; he realized; but Gaul only nodded again。 〃Gaul; you've never mentioned my eyes; or even given them a second glance。 None of the Aiel have。〃 He knew they were glowing golden now; in the firelight。
       〃The world is changing;〃 Gaul said quietly。 〃Rhuarc; and Jheran; my own clan chief … the Wise Ones; too … they tried to hide it; but they were uneasy when they sent us across the Dragonwall searching for He Who es With the Dawn。 I think perhaps the change will not be what we have always believed。 I do not know how it will be different; but it will be。 The Creator put us in the Three…fold Land to shape us as well as to punish our sin; but for what have we been shaped?〃 He shook his head suddenly; ruefully。 〃Colinda; the Wise One of Hot Springs Hold; tells me I think too much for a Stone Dog; and Bair; the eldest Wise One of the Shaarad; threatens to send me to Rhuidean when Jheram dies whether I want to go or not。 Beside all of that; Perrin; what does the color of a man's eyes matter?〃
       〃I wish everybody thought that way。〃 The merriment had finally stopped at the other fire。 One of the Aiel women … Perrin could not tell which … was taking the first watch; her back to the light; and everyone else had settled down for sleep。 It had been a tiring day。 Sleep should be easy to find; and the dream he needed。 He stretched out beside the fire; pulling his cloak around him。 〃Remember。 Kick me awake; if need be。〃
       Sleep enfolded him while Gaul was still nodding; and the dream came at once。 
       It was daylight; and he stood alone near the Waygate; which looked like an elegantly carved length of wall; incongruous on the mountainside。 Except for that there was no sign any human had ever set foot on that slope。 The sky was bright and fine; and a soft breeze up the valley brought him the scent of deer and rabbits; quail and dove; a thousand distinct smells; of water and earth and trees。 This was the wolf dream。
       For a moment the sense of being a wolf rolled over him。 He had paws; and。。。 No! He ran his hands over himself; relieved to find only his own body; in his own coat and cloak。 And the wide belt that normally held his axe; but with the hammer haft thrust through the loop instead。
       He frowned at that; and surprisingly; for a moment; the axe flickered there instead; insubstantial and misty。 Abruptly it was the hammer again。 Licking his lips; he hoped it stayed that way。 The axe might be a better weapon; but he preferred the hammer。 He could not remember anything like that happening before; something changing; but he knew little of this strange place。 If it could be called a place。 It was the wolf dream; and odd things happened there; surely as odd as in any ordinary dream。
       As though thinking of the oddities triggered one of them; a patch of sky against the mountains darkened suddenly; became a window to somewhere else。 Rand stood amid swirling stormwinds; laughing wildly; even madly; arms upraised; and on the winds rode small shapes; gold and scarlet; like the strange figure on the Dragon banner; hidden eyes watched Rand; and there was no telling whether he knew it。 The odd 〃window〃 winked out; only to be replaced by another farther over; where Nynaeve and Elayne stalked cautiously through a demented landscape of twisted; shadowed buildings; hunting some dangerous beast。 Perrin could not have said how he knew it was dangerous; but he did。 That vanished; and another black blotch spread across the sky。 Mat; standing where a road forked ahead of him。 He flipped a coin; started down one branch; and suddenly was weari

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