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小说: rj.theshadowrising 字数: 每页4000字

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 Ones' party; cloak streaming behind her。
       〃It is stupid to anger Aes Sedai;〃 Aviendha muttered; rubbing her shoulder。 〃I did not think you were a stupid man。〃
       〃We will just have to see whether I am or not;〃 he told her; not feeling like laughing anymore。 Stupid? There were some risks you had to take。 〃We will just have to see。〃
       Egwene rarely left the Wise Ones; walking with them as often as she rode Mist; sometimes taking one of them up behind her on the gray mare for a time。 He had finally figured out that she was passing for full Aes Sedai again。 Amys and Bair; Seana and Melaine; seemed to accept it as readily as the Tairens had; though not at all in the same way。 At times one or another of them argued with her so loudly he could almost make out what they were shouting more than a hundred paces away。 It was almost the manner they used with Aviendha; though her they seemed to bully rather than argue with; but then; sometimes they held what appeared to be rather heated discussions with Moiraine; too。 Especially sun…haired Melaine。
       The tenth morning Egwene had finally stopped wearing her hair in those two braids; though it was the oddest thing。 The Wise Ones talked to her for the longest time; off by themselves; while the gai'shain were folding their tents and Rand was saddling Jeade'en。 Had he not known her better; he might have thought Egwene's head…down stance was an attempt at meekness; but that word could only be applied to her in parison with Nynaeve。 And maybe Moiraine。 Suddenly Egwene clapped; her hands; laughing and hugging each of the Wise Ones in turn before hurriedly unraveling the plaits。
       When he asked Aviendha what was going on … she had been sitting outside his tent when he woke … she muttered sourly; 〃They have decided she has grown …〃 Cutting off abruptly; she gave him a level look; folding her arms; and went on in a cool voice; 〃It is Wise Ones' business; Rand al'Thor。 Ask them; if you wish; but be prepared to hear that it is no concern of yours。〃
       Egwene had grown what? Her hair? It made no sense。 Aviendha would not say another word on the matter; instead she scraped a bit of grayish lichen from a rock and began describing how to poultice a wound with it。 The woman was learning a Wise One's ways too quickly to suit him。 The Wise Ones themselves paid him little apparent attention; of course; they did not need to; with Aviendha perched on his shoulder in a manner of speaking。
       The rest of the Aiel; the Jindo at any rate; became a bit less standoffish each day; perhaps a little less uneasy about what He Who es With the Dawn meant for them; but Aviendha was the only one who spoke to him at any length。 Each evening Lan came to practice the sword; and Rhuarc to teach him the spears and the Aiel's odd way of fighting with both hands and feet。 The Warder knew something of that; and joined the practice sessions。 Most others avoided Rand; especially the wagon drivers; who had learned he was the Dragon Reborn; a man who could channel; when he caught one of those rough…faced men looking at him; the fellow might as well have been staring at the Dark One。 Not Kadere; though; or the gleeman。
       Almost every morning as they started out; the peddler rode over on one of the mules from the wagons the Trollocs had burned; his face seeming even darker for the long white scarf tied about his head and hanging down his neck。 With Rand he was all diffidence; but his cold; unchanging eyes made his hooked nose look an eagle's beak in truth。
       〃My Lord Dragon;〃 he had begun the morning after the attack; then wiped sweat from his face with his ever…present handkerchief and shifted unfortably on the battered old saddle he had found somewhere for the mule。 〃If I may call you that?〃
       The charred wreckage of the three wagons was dwindling in the distance to the south; and with them the graves of two of Kadere's men and a good many more Aiel。 The Trollocs had been dragged from the camps and left for the scavengers; yipping; big…eared creatures … Rand did not know whether they were large foxes or small dogs; they looked like bits of each … and vultures with red…tipped wings; some still circling in the sky as if fearful of landing in the melee among their fellows。
       〃Call me as you will;〃 Rand told him。
       〃My Lord Dragon。 I have been thinking of what you said yesterday。〃 Kadere looked around as if he feared being overheard; though Aviendha was with the Wise Ones; and his own train of wagons; fifty paces or more away; held the nearest ears。 He dropped his voice near a whisper anyway; and wiped his face nervously。 His eyes never altered; though。 〃What you said about knowledge being valuable; paving the way to greatness。 It is true。〃
       Rand looked at him for a long moment; not blinking; keeping his face blank。 〃You said that; not I;〃 he said finally。
       〃Well; perhaps I did。 But it is true; is it not; my Lord Dragon?〃 Rand nodded; and the peddler went on; still whispering; eyes still shifting for eavesdroppers。 〃Yet there can be danger in knowledge。 In giving more than receiving。 A man who sells knowledge must have not only his price; but safeguards。 Assurances and sureties against。。。 repercussions。 Would you not agree?〃
       〃Do you have knowledge you want to。。。 sell; Kadere?〃
       The heavyset man frowned at his train。 Keille had dropped down to walk awhile despite the growing heat; her bulk sheathed in white and a white lace shawl on the ivory bs in her coarse dark hair。 Every so often she glanced at the two men riding together; her expression unreadable at this distance。 It still seemed odd; someone so large moving so lightly。 Isendre had climbed out onto the driver's seat of the first wagon and was watching more openly; hanging on to lean around the corner of the white…painted wagon as it swayed and lurched。
       〃That woman may be the death of me yet;〃 Kadere muttered。 〃Perhaps we can talk again later; my Lord Dragon; if it please you。〃 Booting the mule hard; he trotted to the lead wagon and swung himself onto the driver's seat with surprising nimbleness; tying the mule's reins to an iron ring at the corner of the big wagonbox。 He and Isendre disappeared inside and did not emerge again until they stopped for the night。
       He returned the next day; and other days when he saw that Rand was alone; always hinting at knowledge he might sell for the proper price; if the proper safeguards were set。 Once he went so far as to say that anything … murder; treason; anything at all … could be forgiven in return for knowledge; and seemed increasingly nervous when Rand would not agree with him。 Whatever he wanted to sell; he apparently wanted Rand's blanket protection for every misdeed he might ever have done。
       〃I don't know that I want to buy knowledge;〃 Rand told him more than once。 〃There's always the question of price; isn't there? Some prices I might not want to pay。〃
       Natael drew Rand aside that first evening; after the fires were lit and cooking smells began to drift among the low tents。 The gleeman seemed almost as nervous as Kadere。 〃I have thought a good deal about you;〃 he said; peering at Rand sideways; head tilted to one side。 〃You should have a grand epic to tell your tale。 The Dragon Reborn。 He Who es With the Dawn。 Man of who knows how many prophecies; in this Age and others。〃 He drew his cloak around him; the colorful patches fluttering in the breeze。 Twilight was short in the Waste; night and cold came on quickly and together。 〃How do you feel about your prophesied destiny? I must know; if I am to pose this epic。〃
       〃Feel?〃 Rand looked around the camp; at the Jindo moving among the tents。 How many of them would be dead before he was done? 〃Tired。 I feel tired。〃
       〃Hardly a heroic emotion;〃 Natael murmured。 〃But to be expected; given your destiny。 The world riding on your shoulders; most people willing to kill you given the chance; the rest fools who think to use you; ride you to power and glory。〃
       〃Which are you; Natael?〃
       〃I? I am a simple gleeman。〃 The man lifted an edge of his patch…covered cloak as if for proof。 〃I would not take your place for all the world; not with the fate that acpanies it。 D

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