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小说: rj.theshadowrising 字数: 每页4000字

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ut her head; shoulders bare above yellow linen; bent her knee slightly; looking at them with no expression; she walked on quickly; with a stiff back。 Egwene watched her until she was well beyond earshot; and they were alone。 Unless the gardeners; thirty feet below; counted。 Mat was staring at her expectantly。
       In the end; she told him of the ter'angreal; the twisted doorway that held answers on its other side。 It was the dangers she emphasized; the consequences of foolish questions; or those touching the Shadow; the dangers even Aes Sedai might not know。 She was more than flattered that he had e to her; but he had to show a little sense。 〃You must remember this; Mat。 Frivolous questions can get you killed; so if you do use it; you will have to be serious for a change。 And you mustn't ask any questions that touch the Shadow。〃
       He had listened with greater and greater incredulity。 When she was done; he exclaimed; 〃Three questions? You go in like Bili; I suppose; spend a night and e out ten years later with a purse that's always full of gold and a …〃
       〃For once in your life; Matrim Cauthon;〃 she snapped; 〃do not talk like a fool。 You know very well ter'angreal are not stories。 It's the dangers you have to be aware of。 Maybe the answers you seek are inside this one; but you must not try it before Moiraine says you can。 You must promise me that; or I promise you I will take you to her like a trout on a string。 You know I can。〃
       He gave a loud snort。 〃I'd be a fool if I did try it; no matter what Moiraine says。 Walk into a bloody ter'angreal! It's less I want to do with the bloody Power; not more。 You can blot it right out of your mind。〃
       〃It is the only chance I know; Mat。〃
       〃Not for me; it isn't;〃 he said firmly。 〃No chance at all is better than that。〃
       Despite his tone; she wanted to put an arm around him。 Only he would likely make some joke at her expense; and try to goose her。 He had been incorrigible from the day he was born。 But he had e to her for help。 〃I'm sorry; Mat。 What will you do?〃
       〃Oh; play cards; I suppose。 If anyone will play with me。 Play stones with Thom。 Dice in the taverns。 I can still go as far as the city; at least。〃 His gaze strayed toward a passing maidservant; a slender; dark…eyed girl; near his own age。 〃I'll find something to take up time。〃
       Her hand itched to slap him; but instead she said cautiously; 〃Mat; you really aren't thinking of leaving; are you?〃
       〃Would you tell Moiraine; if I was?〃 He put up his hands to forestall her。 〃Well; there's no need。 I told you I wouldn't。 I'll not pretend I'd not like to; but I won't。 Is that good enough for you?〃 A pensive frown crept onto his face。 〃Egwene; do you ever wish you were back home? That none of this had ever happened?〃
       It was a startling question; ing from him; but she knew her answer。 〃No。 Even with everything; no。 Do you?〃
       〃I would be a fool then; wouldn't I?〃 he laughed。 〃It's cities I like; and this one will do for now。 This one will do。 Egwene; you won't tell Moiraine about this; will you? About me asking for advice and all?〃
       〃Why shouldn't I?〃 she asked suspiciously。 He was Mat; after all。
       He gave an embarrassed hitch of his shoulders。 〃I've been keeping wider of her than I have of。。。 Anyway; I've been staying clear; especially when she wants to root around in my head。 She might think I'm weakening。 You won't tell her; will you?〃
       〃I won't;〃 she said; 〃if you promise me you will not go near that ter'angreal without asking her permission。 I shouldn't even have told you about it。〃
       〃I promise。〃 He grinned。 〃I won't go near that thing unless my life depends on it。 I swear。〃 He finished with mock solemnity。
       Egwene shook her head。 However much everything else changed; Mat just never would。

Chapter 9
(Crescent Moon and Stars)

       Three days passed with heat and damp that seemed to sap even the Tairens' strength。 The city slowed to a lethargic walk; the Stone to a crawl。 Servants worked nearly in their sleep; the majhere tore her coiled braids in frustration; but even she could not find the energy to rap knuckles or flick ears with a hard finger。 Defenders of the Stone slumped at their posts like half…melted candles; and the officers showed more interest in chilled wine than in making their rounds。 The High Lords kept largely to their apartments; sleeping through the hottest part of the day; and a few left the Stone entirely for the relative cool of estates far to the east; on the slopes of the Spine of the World。 Oddly; only the outlanders; who felt the heat worst of all; pushed on with their lives as hard as ever; if not harder。 For them; the heavy heat did not weigh nearly as much as did the hours rushing by。
       Mat quickly discovered that he had been right about the young lords who saw the playing cards try to kill him。 Not only did they avoid him; they spread the word among their friends; often garbled; no one in the Stone who had two pieces of silver in hand would say more than hasty excuses while backing away。 The rumors spread beyond the lordlings。 More than one serving woman who had enjoyed a cuddle now declined; too; and two said uneasily that they had heard it was dangerous to be alone with him。 Perrin appeared all wrapped up in his own worries; and Thom seemed to vanish by sleight of hand; Mat had no idea what occupied the gleeman; but he was seldom to be found; day or night; Moiraine; the one person Mat wished would ignore him; instead seemed to be there whenever he turned around; she was just passing by; or crossing the corridor in the distance; but her eyes met his every last time; looking as if she knew what he was thinking and what he wanted; knew how she was going to make him do exactly what she wanted instead。 None of it made any difference in one respect; he still managed to find excuses to put off leaving for another day。 As he saw it; he had not promised Egwene he would stay。 But he did。
       Once; he carried a lamp down into the belly of the Stone; to the so…called Great Holding; as far as the dry…rotted door at the far end of the narrow hallway。 A few minutes of peering into the shadowy interior at dim shapes covered with dusty canvas; roughly stacked crates and barrels; their flat ends used as shelves for jumbles of figurines and carvings and peculiar things of crystal and glass and metal … a few minutes of that; and he hurried away; muttering; 〃I'd have to be the biggest bloody fool in the whole bloody world!〃
       Nothing kept him from going into the city; though; and there was no chance at all of meeting Moiraine in the dockside taverns of the Maule; the port district; or the inns in the Chalm; where the warehouses were; dimly lit; cramped; often dirty places of cheap wine; bad ale; occasional fights and unending dice games。 The stakes in the dice games were small; pared to what he had grown used to; but that was not why he always found himself back in the Stone after a few hours。 He tried not to think about what always drew him back; near to Rand。
       Perrin sometimes saw Mat in the waterfront taverns; drinking too much cheap wine; dicing as if he did not care whether he won or lost; once flashing a knife when a burly shipman pressed him on how often he did win。 It was not like Mat to be so irritable; but Perrin avoided him instead of trying to find out what was troubling him。 Perrin was not there for wine or dice; and the men who thought of fighting changed their minds after a good look at his shoulders … and his eyes。 He bought bad ale; though; for sailors in wide leather trousers and for under…merchants with thin silver chains across their coat fronts; for any man who looked to be from a distant land。 It was rumor he hunted; word of something that might draw Faile away from Tear。 Away from him。
       He was sure if he found an adventure for her; something that smacked of a chance at putting her name in the stories; she would go。 She pretended to understand why he had to stay; but occasionally she still hinted that she wanted to leave and hoped he would go with her。 He was certain the right bait would pull her; without him。
       Most rumors she would know for outda

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